America’s ‘Digital Strike’ On China, Trump Said – Tik-Tok Will Ban In 24 Hours

donald trump will ban tik tok in US

US President Donald Trump has been very angry with China since Corona. Donald Trump has targeted China despite being confronted by the media many times and has directly blamed him for spreading the virus. Now US President Donald Trump has decided to ban Tik-Tok. Trump said that Tik-Tok will be banned in the US in 24 hours with an executive order.

Donald Trump had already decided to ban Tik-Tok in America. He had told that Tik-Tok can also be banned in America. Trump had said, ‘Our administration is also evaluating it to take action on Tik-Tok. A popular Chinese video app has now become a source of national security and censorship issues.

Trump’s statement comes after reports that said Byte Dance can sell Tik-Tok and the company is also talking to Microsoft about it. Trump said while talking to the reporters that we are watching Tik-Tok. We can also ban it. We can do anything else. We also have many other options. A lot of things are happening. So we will see what can happen.

According to reports from several foreign media news agency, ByteDance may soon announce itself to be different from Tik-Tok. There have been reports of the purchase of Tik-Tok from several big tech companies and financial firms of America. The New York Times and Fox News quoted sources as saying on Friday that Microsoft could buy Tik-Tok and that the company is also talking about it.

What Did The Company Give Clarification

Tik-Tok released a statement on Friday, saying, “We do not want to comment on speculation and rumors, we believe in Tik-Tok’s long success.” Bytedance launched Tik-Tok in 2017. In a very short time it became popular among the youth. Tik-Tok has already been banned in India.

The company has been accused of sharing users’ data with Chinese authorities several times. The company hired the US CEO, former top Disney executive, to get rid of Chinese ownership. The company had said in its clarification that it does not give any data of the users of America to the Chinese government at all nor will it do so in the future.


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