How To Improve Reading Skills In Children


How to improve reading skills in children? Are you trying to develop reading skills in your child? Reading is a significant part of everyone’s life but it is more important in your child’s life as they are in the learning stage and there will be a great deal of reading required in their school life. To begin with, they will learn how to read and afterward, they will read to learn. Thus as a teacher/parent, you ought to ensure that reading and learning should be an enjoyable activity.

Reading is a skill to process the text, comprehend it and to integrate it with the prior knowledge acquired by the reader. One needs to do the practice of reading skill well to acquire mastery in the skill.

how to improve reading skills

Reading is a very important aspect in the way of language learning. It opens up the path to explore new words, their usage, phonemic awareness, and their semantics. Better reading skills are also very helpful in various competitive exams.

Reading and comprehending what is being read should be speedy in order to utilize time in various competitive exams. Another type of reading is reading for pleasure. This category comes in the reading of novels or articles.

Below, we have shared a list of few ways to help you to teach reading skills to your children.

Tips To Improve Reading Skills In Children

1. Decide Purpose Of Reading

Reading skills in children

It is always good to know the purpose of reading. Whether it might be for gaining information, for pleasure or for a particular educational course. All kind of reading requires a slightly different style. So it is advised to teach your child the purpose of reading.

For example; reading for pleasure, which includes reading stories and novels. It is the kind of reading where you are allowed to guess the meaning and the reading is of extensive nature whereas reading for information is intensive where you need to focus on each and every minute detail.

2. Fix A Time For Reading

tips to improve reading

To make your child excited about reading make sure that you fix an ordinary reading time. It can be before sleeping, or in the evening or the morning. Whatever suits you and your kid, yet attempt to adhere to one time each day. After a short time when your kid can read themselves, they will anticipate that time. You can likewise give tasks and set reading goals for your child.

3. Read Aloud

how to enhance reading skills

Reading out loud helps your child to develop reading skills because it makes him/her fully involved in the text. Their eyes are involved as they listen to them, their mouth as they speak and their ears as they listen to words they speak. Also, it helps in the improvement of accent. They learn to read with proper voice modulation, intonation and proper expressions given by punctuation marks.

4. Reading Material

how to practice reading

Buy different reading material for home, as per your kid’s age. You can spread youngster’s magazine with bright pictures, or storybooks, fantasies among other reading material that you think will intrigue your child.

5. Reading Exercises

how reading is fun

Urge your kid to make reading a piece of his life. Propel your kid to read books, menus, street signs, hoardings, general travel data, climate forecasts, motion picture postings, or some other ordinary information like reading the labels while purchasing grocery items.

Note: Do anything which pulls your child’s interest and which make your child enjoy reading.

6. Habit Of Library

how to develop reading skills

Teaching the library habit when your kid has begun reading is a good thought to create and improve reading skills. Making outings to the library will likewise allure your kid to read and they will eat up books like a bookworm.

7. Improve Child’s Vocabulary

tips to improve reading skills

Whenever you teach your child to read try to have a dictionary, a pen and a diary by your side. Every time you see a new word, just check the word out in the dictionary and note it down. Also, try to explain the meaning of various phrasal verbs to your kids. Though they are not the literal meaning of words but a bit figurative.

This is a good habit to teach your child to use the dictionary for difficult words. As a result, it will help them to improve reading comprehension. Good readers always pay attention to each and every word, sentence or phrase, make sure you teach your kid to pay attention while reading.

8. Make Reading A Family Habit

importance of reading for children

Make reading a family habit. You can do that by talking about the books during dinner or fixing the time when all the members in the family will read something which they love, for thirty minutes at least. Lead by example. Give your kid a chance to see your enthusiasm for reading.

9. Show Eagerness In Your Child’s Reading

tips improving reading

At the point when your youngster is reading show excitement towards it. You can do that either by valuing his endeavors or by uniting with your youngster in the reading action, therefore, making it a fun activity. How you respond will affect your kid’s reading abilities thus make sure to be positive in your response.

10. Strengthen Spelling Aptitudes

reading tips for children

Most frequently a child can’t improve his reading skills since he is lost with new words which he finds hard to understand. The outcome is that the child will discover ways to abstain from reading. As guardians, you can play the word games with your kids to fortify their spelling abilities and therefore making an impression in his young brain that spellings can be fun as well.

11. Intensive Reading

how to read

Intensive reading involves reading in detail, paying attention to each word, each phrase and each sentence with a purpose of attaining detailed information. It is an important technique because it helps your child in understanding the text better and focusing on word meanings. It is also helpful in vocabulary enhancing which further improves reading skills.

12. Extensive Reading

how to improve reading skills in children

Extensive reading is the technique of reading where you read for enjoyment or pleasure. This kind of reading is just like developing or pursuing a hobby. Here you often read novels, stories or articles which suit your interest.

It is the kind of reading can helps your child in increasing the speed of reading. Here the reader guesses the meaning as per the text and reads fastly to reach the end of the text. This is also a very helpful technique to enhance reading skills.

13. Find Reading Issues

reading skills in children

Mostly the reading issues are left undetected till it turns out to be the point of no return. So watch out if your youngster is having issues in reading, interpreting or understanding any word. Make sure that your child comprehends what he is reading.

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14. Find Help For Reading Problems

improve reading skills

On the off chance if you feel that your kid has reading issues – like he doesn’t comprehend what he is reading, experiences issues in articulating words then it is advised to look for immediate assistance from tutors.

15. Review What Is Read

teacher helping student

Ask your child to write a review on the book once he finishes reading. Writing down the main ideas in own words and then re-reading it will help in checking their ability to understand the text. It also will enhance their writing skills along with the improvement of comprehension questions.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

How to increase child’s reading skills?

Best effective techniques to improve a child’s reading:
1. Fix time for reading
2. Read aloud
3. Practice different reading exercises
4. Make a habit of reading
5. Make reading a family habit
6. Show eagerness in child’s reading
7. Make reading a fun activity
8. Help your child in understanding the meaning of the text
9. Find and sought reading issues
10. Buy interesting story books, magazines that interests your child for reading.

How to improve reading skills for kindergarten students?

Try these methods to improve reading for kindergarten students:
1. Help them to learn alphabets
2. Make reading a fun activity
3. Make them to read poems and short stories
4. Propel kids to read menus, street signs, hoardings, etc.
5. Join them in their reading activity
6. Ask them to read aloud
7. Make sure they enjoy reading
8. Help them to pronounce tricky words

What are basic reading skills?

Basic reading skills requires phonetics understanding, word analysis & recognition. One should know how to combine alphabets to make words and then to pronounce them in correct sound. Basically identifying and decoding words is all that one requires to read text correctly.


  1. This article is great! With its help, you can teach
    your child to read, this article reveals how any child aged
    2-9 can quickly learn to read at home. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips…

  2. If you delay your child’s reading skill development until he or she enters school, you are putting your child at risk…
    Did you know that 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level!
    There is a super simple and extremely effective system that will even teach 2 and 3 year old children to read:


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